Great Bear Tales tells stories of Canada’s Great Bear Rainforest on the British Columbia North and Central Coasts.
From the Giant Salmon of the Wannock River in the South to Spirit Bear and Humpback Whales of Northerly Hartley Bay, Great Bear Tales is frontier marine wildlife, adventure and Indigenous stewardship on a Wild West Coast. Traditional territory of Coastal First Nations, more than 10,000 years of history run deep through Great Bear Rainforest and one of the last untouched coastal temperate rainforests on Earth. Great Bear Tales brings you the people, places and epic stories of Great Bear Rainforest and BC Coast!
From Prince Rupert to Port Hardy, this is GREAT BEAR TALES!
“Quite Simply, The Great Bear Rainforest Is The Largest Remaining Temperate Rainforest Left On Earth And One Of The World’s Finest Untouched Ecosystems.”